Bitcoin Pizza Day线下分享会 逾半百投资者热烈参与
23 May, 2024

适逢一年一度Bitcoin Pizza Day(5月22),由胜利证券举办、Web3媒体Monsterblockhk支持之首场线下活动《币圈0距离!解锁投资新工具分享会》于昨晚完满结束。活动由胜利证券执行董事陈沛泉先生(Kennix)、孙子大户传人创办人之一Jason,以及加密货币早期投资者兼全职Influencer李奥进行分享,吸引超过50位投资者到场出席。





The sharing session of Bitcoin Pizza Day, Over 50 investors participated

On the occasion of Bitcoin Pizza Day (May 22), the sharing session titled "Zero Distance with Crypto! Unlocking New Investment Tools" was concluded successfully. We are pleased to be supported by Web3 media Monsterblockhk. The event invited Mr. Kennix Chan, Executive Director of Victory Securities, Jason, co-founder of The Art of Trade, and Leo, an early cryptocurrency investor, attracting over 50 investors in attendance.

From the first commercial transaction of Bitcoin 14 years ago to the recent diversified development of compliant virtual asset activities and channels in Hong Kong, cryptocurrencies have begun to capture the attention of traditional investors. Kennix took this opportunity to explain to the participants the differences in operational models and services provided by licensed virtual asset trading institutions in Hong Kong, and introduce the latest tools for investing in virtual assets. Kennix mentioned that as a VASP licensed broker, Victory can provide diversified virtual asset investment services and products, including the recently launched spot bitcoin and ether ETFs in Hong Kong, leveraging the advantage of direct buying and selling with cash or physical assets.

As a traditional financial and cryptocurrency investor, Jason shared his personal investment experiences, emphasizing that investment is a professional discipline, and highlighted the similarities and differences between the two. Leo, who is fully engaged in cryptocurrency research, shared the rules and data for holding Bitcoin and reminded investors of the importance of continuous learning when entering the cryptocurrency market.

At last, Victory prepared giant pizzas to enjoy together. The three speakers discussed Bitcoin price predictions and trading tips, and answered questions from investors on the spot. Victory also prepared limited edition T-shirts and account-opening offers for the participants.

In the future, Victory Securities will organize more workshops to provide the public with more professional knowledge and networking opportunities in virtual assets, helping the public with secure asset allocation.