Client Information Centre
Client Information Centre
Important Notice: Regarding the incident of financial institutions impersonating Victory Securities
12 Oct, 2023
Important Notice: Regarding the incident of financial institutions impersonating Victory SecuritiesIt has come to the attention of Victory Securities ("the Group") that fraudulent financial ...
歡迎勝利證券新舊客戶 認購綠色債券 「0」成本 兼享手續費全免*!
21 Sep, 2023
歡迎勝利證券新舊客戶 認購綠色債券「0」成本 兼享手續費全免*!認購期:9月18日-9月27日,下午三點本金* 、認購費、申請手續費、融資利率^、到期贖回費、代收利息費、存倉費、不動戶費、轉入費、託管費備註*新舊客戶融資 1-5 手可享免本金、6手或以上需支付本金^免認購至公佈中籤期間的融資利息什麼是綠債在政府綠色債券計劃下發行的綠色債券,為符合改善環境、應對氣候變化和轉型為低碳經濟體等理念的綠...
21 Sep, 2023
IMPORTANT! FRAUDULENT APP ALERTVictory Securities Company Limited ("Victory Securities") would like to alert our clients and the general public of fraudulent APP, website and trading platfor...
22 Nov, 2022
尊敬的客戶: 調整證券賬戶存款利率(2022年12月1日生效) 感謝 閣下一直以來對勝利證券的支持和信賴! 鑒於最近本地銀行上調港元存款息率,本公司亦跟隨調整證券賬戶的港元存款利率,由0.001%(年利率)上調致0.175%(年利率)。新利率將於2022年12月1日生效,屆時 閣下賬戶內之港元結餘所產生利息將會提升。 如有查詢,歡迎於辦公時間內(星期一至五,上午九時至下午六時)致電客戶服務熱線 +...
Adjustment of Securities-Based Lending Rates
26 Oct, 2022
Dear Clients,Thank you for your continuous support and trust in Victory Securities.Considering the recent rise in Hong Kong Dollar Prime Rate (P) by several local banks, and following a thorough analy...