Asset Management
To make excellent returns that match the risks preference of investors, Victory Asset Management team will use various investment tools to meet customers′ investment goals.
Asset Management
The Asset Management team in Victory has accumulated over 20 years of experience in the capital market. They all are professionals who love to study and research, treat investment as their lifelong career. With the knowledge and passion, the performance excellence reflects their professionalism to continuously deliver outstanding performance and win customers′ trust, resulting in the rapid growth in Asset Under Management (AUM) every year.
Victory′s asset management team always puts clients′ interest in first place and strives to achieve clients′ investment goals by using different investment tools and products in the market in accordance to clients′ investment objectives and risk appetite.
Actively managed funds (Private Funds)
Victory′s private funds are industry-driven. We hope to expect to benefit from industry growth by selecting the leading companies and enterprises in the booming industry as investment targets. Every investment we make is prudent and rigorous, and we strive to maximize returns depending on different macro-economic and industry cycles.
Superior management service
Victory helps formulate a wealth management framework tailored to our clients′ risk appetite needs, requirements, risk profiles, and wealth management objectives. Not just focusing on a single return on investment, Victory hopes to provide designed portfolios combined with regular reviews of wealth management so that the investment activities can keep aligning with our clients′ financial goals.
Victory′s Capabilities
In-Depth Research
To seek a long-term and sustainable return, we aim to profit from booming industries and related industrial growth. Therefore, we are looking for industries with inevitable growth and leading companies in these industries. Our experts analyze substantial data and information on the macro and micro factors of various sectors and asset classes, and we can better navigate market volatility to make the best investment decision.
Global Vision
Victory′s investment and research team are very familiar with the international market. With the global perspective brought by studying abroad, they understand different countries′ national conditions and policies, besides the development cycles of various industries.
Asset Allocation with Profession
Victory′s asset management team closely follows the global macroeconomic dynamics and selects high-quality tracks with high prosperity and ample market growth space with a top-down concept. We establish valuation models based on a bottom-up approach to do the asset allocation by selecting a leading industry with stable performance growth and leading companies with healthy financial status.

Through a unique macro research system, we will classify and analyze significant categories of assets and allocate them in stages with independent perspectives and judgments to obtain positive alphas (Alpha) in different economic cycles.
Distinctive Insights
Victory′s asset management team has unique insights on investment and abundant research experience in different industries. With in-depth research and distinctive insights, we can grasp the speculative opportunities, bringing our clients the best-in-class investment performance. To become a lifelong trusted partner of global investors.

Sze Tung

Director of Asset Management Department
Member of Investment Decision Committee

Mr. Sze graduated from the Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education in Personal Financial Planning Program at the Open University of Hong Kong. He has over 24 years of investment experience and specializes in investments in A-shares and H-shares of listed companies. With the passion for investment research and in-depth knowledge of the market, Victory Securities continuously achieves excellent performance, and the asset management scale (AUM) is overgrowing every year.

Over the years, Sze developed a unique investment philosophy that allows him to seize emerging opportunities by taking advantage of a sector’s rotation. Combining this approach and his technical analysis mastery, Mr. Sze can capture short-term profits, ensuring that his funds and clients are positioned for the best growth trajectory.

Mr. Sze mainly invests by evaluating and selecting target companies with value and a reasonable valuation, including A-share and Hong Kong-listed companies. By adopting a multi-strategy approach, he can lock in the best arbitrage opportunity and obtain a stable return.

KL Chan

Managing Partner and Chief Investment Officer of Victory Fund Series
Member of Investment Decision Committee

Mr. KL Chan has over 15 years of experience in fund management and investment. He has held key positions in several securities firms and asset management companies in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. During the 2007-2009 financial tsunami, KL ranked among the top fund managers in Asia, and his principal fund ranked 99 percentile in the first half of 2021. KL is good at combining in-depth knowledge of the financial market, using computer technology to integrate logic and ideas, and combining multi-angle analysis to make investment decisions and perform risk control.

As the Chief Investment Officer of Victory Fund Series, KL′s management tenet is "Achieve high quality return for investors through effective strategy and efficient execution." Victory Fund believes that investment has advantages and disadvantages regardless of its value, growth, industry, policy, technology, cycle, and scenario analysis. Investment methods need to keep pace with the times, but the core of investment is always the same. Victory Fund takes the essence of all kinds of investment methods, adopting their competitive advantages, cooperating with Assistive Intelligence, risk control, and operational discipline, and hopes to bring long-term, high-quality returns to investors.

KL has Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), Financial Risk Manager (FRM), and Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA) qualification. He has dual master degree of Electronic Commerce Engineering (Outstanding Achievement) from the University of Hong Kong and a Master of Business Administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Dean′s List). He is author of two best selling investment books in Hong Kong and presents in popular financial media such as Now Finance, Bloomberg, Hong Kong Economic Journal, and Economic Weekly.

Adam Zhou

Managing Director
Member of Investment Decision Committee

Adam graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with an MBA (Finance) and has over 10 years of investment and finance experience. He is responsible for Asset Management, overseas Capital Market, overall frontline business and acts as the Responsible Officer of Victory’s Asset Management.

He is in charge of the group’s global expansion projects and has established the US business. Adam continues to formulate and execute the company’s core strategies derived from the executive board’s mandate. He is currently responsible for developments across China, Singapore, and Japan to uncover new opportunities for Victory and its clients.