21 Jun, 2024

Victory Securities Company Limited ("Victory Securities") hereby reminds our clients and the public that a WeChat video account named "托教女王" has misleadingly claimed that the "Baifu Alliance" is conducting a fundraising project through financing and securities lending services of Victory Securities.

We have no affiliation with the WeChat Account and the mentioned alliance, website, and trading platform. Please be vigilant and do not provide personal information to the above community and accounts. Please also note the official website and social media channels of Victory Securities are listed below:

· Website:

· LinkedIn:

· Facebook:

· WeChat: 勝利策略

Victory Securities urges members of the public not to believe the misleading content and not to provide any personal data to any non-official channels, application, websites and trading platforms of the Company. If you have provided personal data through these fraudulent channels, we strongly advise you to report to the Hong Kong Police and contact our Customer Service Hotline at +852 2523 1709.