勝利證券x HashKey Capital x 博時國際合辦《加密貨幣投資必修課》圓滿結束
28 Jun, 2024

由勝利證券、HashKey Capital及博時國際聯合舉辦的《加密貨幣投資必修課》於2024年6月26日晚上圓滿結束。活動由勝利證券執行董事陳沛泉先生(Kennix)、HashKey Capital二級基金合伙人黃詠欣小姐(Vivien) 及 博時國際銷售與客戶服務部主管王典先生(Derek)進行分享,成功吸引超過50位參加者出席。


作為亞洲首批比特幣與以太坊現貨ETF發行商之一,博時國際及HashKey Capital在活動上為投資者深入解析區塊鏈生態及投資框架,更分享其現貨ETF產品的投資策略及特點,助投資者更全面地了解Web3產業的未來發展前景,以及如何在香港合規的框架下配置虛擬資產投資。


"Simple Guide of Virtual Asset" successfully concluded

On the evening of June 26, 2024, the "Simple Guide of Virtual Asset Investment" event, co-organized by Victory Securities, HashKey Capital, and Bosera Asset Management, concluded successfully. The event featured presentations by Mr. Kennix Chan, Executive Director of Victory Securities, Ms. Vivien Wong, Liquid Fund Partner of HashKey Capital, and Mr. Derek Wang, Head of Sales and Client Services of Bosera Asset Management, attracted over 50 participants.

With the spot crypto ETFs to start trading in Hong Kong, it has provided a more convenient channel for investors interested in allocating virtual assets. Victory Securities took the opportunity to share the investment opportunities and operational details of virtual asset investment with the participants. Kennix pointed out that spot crypto ETFs are more suitable for investors interested in cryptocurrencies but unfamiliar with spot trading. Victory Securities offers in-kind subscription for both Ethereum and Bitcoin spot ETFs, catering to the needs of different investors.

As one of the first issuers of spot crypto ETFs in Asia, Bosera Asset Management and HashKey Capital delved into the blockchain ecosystem and investment framework at the event, and shared the investment strategies and features of their Bitcoin and Ethereum spot ETF, helping investors gain a comprehensive understanding of the future development prospects of the Web3 industry and how to allocate virtual asset investments within the compliant framework in Hong Kong.

Victory Securities emphasizes investor education and is committed to helping different clients effectively allocate virtual assets. In the future, it will continue to organize various activities, to provide investors with more networking opportunities and professional knowledge on virtual assets.