MECOM POWER (01183) repurchases 60K shares
LIVZON PHARMA (01513) repurchases 848K shares
LINKLOGIS-W (09959) repurchases 580K shares
KEEP (03650) repurchases 50K shares
HSBC HOLDINGS (00005) repurchases 4.43M shares
HSBC HOLDINGS (00005) repurchases 363.69K shares
HSBC HOLDINGS (00005) repurchases 284.01K shares
HSBC HOLDINGS (00005) repurchases 1.02M shares
HSBC HOLDINGS (00005) repurchases 371.1K shares
HSBC HOLDINGS (00005) repurchases 3.67M shares
HAOHAI BIOTEC (06826) repurchases 17.1K shares
GUOQUAN (02517) repurchases 3.5M shares
GOLDWIND (02208) repurchases 300K shares
GLORIOUS SUN (00393) repurchases 88K shares
GALA TECH HOLD (02458) repurchases 1.6K shares
ESSEX BIO-TECH (01061) repurchases 7K shares
EDIANYUN (02416) repurchases 441K shares
DINGDANG HEALTH (09886) repurchases 691K shares
COSCO SHIP HOLD (01919) repurchases 2.54M shares
COSCO SHIP DEV (02866) repurchases 1.5M shares
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