YH ENT (02306) repurchases 213K shares
XUANWU CLOUD (02392) repurchases 27K shares
VIVA BIOTECH (01873) repurchases 730K shares
TRANSCENTA-B (06628) repurchases 64K shares
TIANGE (01980) repurchases 400K shares
TENFU (06868) repurchases 1M shares
TENCENT (00700) repurchases 1.71M shares
SWIREPROPERTIES (01972) repurchases 600K shares
SWIRE PACIFIC B (00087) repurchases 65K shares
DICKSON CONCEPT (00113) expects 1H profit down 40%
SWIRE PACIFIC A (00019) repurchases 90K shares
SUN.KING TECH (00580) repurchases 20K shares
STANCHART (02888) repurchases 109.91K shares
STANCHART (02888) repurchases 54.96K shares
STANCHART (02888) repurchases 384.69K shares
SINOPEC CORP (00386) repurchases 3M shares
SINOPEC CORP (00386) repurchases 5M shares
SHANGHAI PECHEM (00338) repurchases 962K shares
SAMSONITE (01910) repurchases 1.24M shares
PW MEDTECH (01358) repurchases 600K shares
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